Rule of Draw-Holdem
Some basic rules - like the hand ranking system, as well as game flows - of Texas Hold`em are maintained and integrated with some unique modifications.
Draw-Holdem is based on the following concept :
1. Swapping Round 1 (Hole Cards) New
2. Betting Round 1 (Preflop)
3. Flop
4. Swapping Round 2 including a Betting Round New
5. Turn
6. Swapping Round 3 including a Betting Round New
7. River
8. Swapping Round 4 including a Betting Round New
Players have the opportunity (no obligation) to swap (only) one card against a fee. This fee comes to the amount of a Small Blind and goes directly into the pot. Players who are in a Small or Big
Blindalready will only pay the common Small or Big Blind fee. They have also the option to swap a card as the last player of the round. Each other player who swaps a card before the Flop will have to
pay the fee of the Small Blind.
When swapping a card, the player moves this card and the Swap fee to a specific line on the table. The dealer takes the card and hands out a new one immediately.
The Swap fee (fee amount = small Blind) will at this point not yet be collected by the dealer. After all players have either swapped their cards, or decided not to swap during this specific round,
the Betting round follows based on the Texas Hold`em rules. Each player who swapped a card has already paid the Small Blind.
This Small Blind accounts as the bet. Following to this, the Card Swapping in Round 1 is free of charge if a player would decide continue playing. The additional advantage of swapping a card is that
the players will already know one more card. This information might be important for the further game development. If a player has decided to continue the game, the dealer will take the Swapping fee
and add it to the Pot.
Then the Flop-, the Swapping- and Betting round starts. The amount of the Swapping fee goes to the Pot after the Flop (e.g. 26 $ are in the Pot, so the Swapping fee is 26 $). As known from Texas
Hold`em the player in first position is the starting player, which means that the player to the left of the nominal dealer may talk first in all following Betting rounds. He and all other players may
swap one after another (no obligation) and may bet or call directly. Card swapping is not a must, but an option.
The Swapping fee accounts only during the first Round as a bet (before the Flop).
During all other Swapping rounds the Swapping fee does not apply as a bet. The Swapping fee isadded to the Pot after each Betting round.
The Swapping fee after the Flop, Turn, River is always the amount of the Pot before the Swap.
Example :
• POT = 20 $.
• Player 1 swap for the fee of 20 $
• Swapping fee = 20 $!
• Player 2 swap for 20 $ (not 40 $)
• Player 3 swap for only 20 $ (not 60 $)
• This bets goes directly into the pot after the swapping and betting.
After a player went into Action - Check, Call, Raise - he is no longer allowed to participate in the ongoing Swapping Round. Swap option followed by action applies.
Example :
• Player 1 check (= action)
• Player 2 bet
• Player 1 may not swap anymore, even though it is his turn. Call or Raise is allowed.
Card Swapping is allowed as long as the player can afford the Swap fee. After a player is All-in he cannot participate in card swapping anymore. All other players who still have enough credit can
keep swapping cards.
The Side Pot as well as the Pot rules will be followed.
If a player uses the option of a Swap during an All-in situation, the Swapping fee will be handled separately and will be given to the winner on a percentage calculated base (side pot). If a player
is All-in and as long as the minimum of one other player can still swap and this player calls, Showdown will be at the end. The player who calls cannot swap anymore, it will come directly to the
In an All-in situation the winner always wins the entire Swap Fee (after the Flop).
It does not matter if the winner swapped or not. It is also not important what this player has bet at the All-in. The Swap fee is always won by the winner. From 3 players on wards the Swap fee should
be handled separately.
This rule protects the All-in players. Otherwise they would be changed too often during the round.
• Player 1 goes All-in with 10 $.
• Player 2 calls with 10 $ (still has enough credit).
• Pot = 20 $.
• Flop will be opend.
• Player 2 may swap 1 card for 20 $.
• Player 2 will not do it, because 2 cards will be opend free of charged.
• The Turn follows - River follows.
• Player 2 may swap a card for 20 $.
• IF Player 2 is swapping a card, 40 $ (10 $ + 10 $ + 20 $) would be in the Pot.
• IF Player 1 has the better hand, he would win the Pot of 40 $. Bet of Player 1 was only 10 $ and would in this case be quadrupled.
After the Turn and River a Swapping round including Betting round will be offered - as after the Flop.
The first Swapping round (after the players have received their cards from dealer) is often fully used by the players. All other Swapping rounds are not so often used, because the Swapping fee is to
high in most cases.
The option keeps the tension, because in some cases a Swap pays it off.
The Texas Hold`em rules apply during the Overblind and every player who executes an Overblind as the last player, may swap cards.
In each round every player can only swap one Card.